Sunday 6 February 2011

Calling for a revival of the fabulous 1920's craze The Charleston

Now, I don't know about you, but I have to say I'm not a fan of the direction in which mainstream music is heading. To be specific the pop/hiphop genre and the club/fashion that accompanies it. Don't get me wrong, I'll be eternally loyal to the hiphop legends of yesteryear but some of the pop-hip-hop rubbish out there these days... I just don't get it.Where's the soul?What are you even rapping about? And what's with the overtly sexual nature of it all.Now I'm no prude, but I do find the culture all a bit crass these days. And next thing you know you've got girls forgetting to put their trousers on before heading out to your local nightclub to get low low low low.
Of course it's easy to avoid it all, just stay away from those bars, and don't watch MTV. Obviously plenty of people out there do appreciate the genre even if I don't.

But if not mainstream then what are your other night-life options?Well, that depends largely on where you live, no worries if you're in a big city. London, Paris, New York, Sydney, Hong Kong, Melbourne etc all inundated with chic, luxury bars and night clubs. Whatever genre you're into, you should be able to slip comfortably into your scene in a big city.
Well there's one craze I'm itching to see make a serious revival.
Back when it was shocking for ladies to show ankles and smoke cigarettes,  amidst the secrecy of prohibition, the elegance, the "throw your troubles into the night" fun of it all, there was only one way to get your groove on and that was the absolutely fabulous Charleston. I just love it! It's just so fun! I feel sure that if you were in a room full of people dancing to the Charleston you'd be unable to stop grinning from ear to ear, if not fall into out right fits of laughter. The closest we have to that these days is the drunk person who decides it'll be a gas to crank out any of the following; the robot, the sprinkler, the penny farthing, the supermarket shop, the dual person saw( you get my drift).
I long to see people get up and dance a proper dance! Not this ambiguous bump n grind of late, but proper dance moves, like The Charleston. Now, who hasn't been to a flapper & gangster themed party lately?It's a great theme, and modern cuts of the flapper dress invariably come into vogue. But what I want to see is a well done 1920's themed bar packed with strings of people grinning away and dancing the Charleston.There must be one somewhere? Latin dance made a splash in western countries and it's not hard to find somewhere decent to go dance salsa if that takes your fancy. So how about The Charleston?

I've found a few bars around with the 1920's theme, but I don't expect to find anyone there dancing the Charleston at this stage and I say it's time for a revival! When it comes to fashion, we're always looking back. Various retro looks go through cycles, getting tweaked and shaped each time by those on the cutting edge. I want to see more than just fashion revival, but also other great aspects of the past being hauled back into vogue in a modern and relevant way. What do you think?

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